New WiFi Label

New Label

The Wi-Fi Alliance has upgraded it’s seal of certification, dropping the radio frequency check box in favor of showing off if a product supports 802.11a, b, or g.

The Wi-Fi Alliance promotes gear that uses the IEEE 802.11 a/b/g industry standards and certifies equipment interoperability.

The old label with a check box for speed is out. The new seal is color-coded with large ovals that contain the letters a, b, and/or g. The oval for 11a is orange, the 11b is blue, and 11g is green.

Newly certified products will also carry an Interoperability Certificate. It will spell out all the features and capabilities of the product, such as whether it supports Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), personal or enterprise versions. WPA support was also previously listed on the on the outside of the box, in the Certification seal.

The Alliance keeps a listing of certified products on it’s own Web site at To date they have certified 1250 products for interoperability.

Read more on wi-fi planet…

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