quero um uPC!


Est? quase a sair este brinquedo da OQO, j? me fez esquecer todos os Ipaqs do mercado e todos os outros gadgets, que venha r?pido.
Nem fa?o a m?nima quanto ao seu pre?o de lan?amento.

Algumas caracter?sticas do uPC:

1GHz Transmeta processor
20GB hard drive (shock-mounted)
Dimensions: 4.9″ x 3.4″ x .9″
Weight: 14 ozs
800 x 480 W-VGA 5″ transflective display (indoor/outdoor readable)
802.11b wireless
Bluetooth? wireless
Digital pen
Removable lithium polymer battery
Battery life up to three hours, depending on usage
OQO docking cable includes:

  1. Bluetooth Version 2.0 announced
  2. IXUS goes wireless
  3. Dell’s PDA Most Powerful Yet

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