Pesquisar no Skype por tags

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E então o que é faz o Messagr?

«Messagr Allows you to find other skype users who have a particular set of interest or expertise. You can sign yourself up to Messagr and become searchable yourself. Users are displayed on search results only if they are online and available to chat.

Messagr is a new type of search. People, not pages make the internet. Imagine, you’re bored, and you’d like to talk to someone about art. Not only that, you’d like that person to live in New York so they can tell you about all the cool art places to visit in the area. »

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….(`“•.¸(`“•.¸ ¸.•“´) ¸.•“´)
….(¸.•“´(¸.•“´ `“•.¸)`“ •.¸)
…..Y888888…..( , \_.
….,_Y88(……………..)….*Passo para te ler…
…..“8“888P……..(_…. para saber como estás…
………..~;~~\~….. * Para te deixar um beijo
……….|___|.|………… e desejo boa semana!!!!
(`“•.¸(`“•.¸ ¸.•“´) ¸.•“´)
«`“•.¸.♥ Nadir ♥ ¸.•“´»
(¸.•“´(¸.•“´ `“•.¸)`“ •.¸)

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