Os números do truemors.com por Guy Kawasaki

Os quatro coisas que Guy Kawasaki aprendeu com o lançamento do seu sítio web, truemors.com:

1. There's really no such thing as bad PR.
2. $12,000 goes a very long way these days.
3. You can work with a team that is thousands of miles away.
4. Life is good for entrepreneurs these days.

Sobre os truemors.com ele ainda disponibiliza alguns números, ficam os mais importantes para mim:

$4,500. The total software development cost was $4,500. The guys at Electric Pulp did the work. Honestly, I wasn't a believer in remote teams trying to work together on version 1 of a product, but Electric Pulp changed my mind.

$4,824.14. The total cost of the legal fees was $4,824.14. I could have used my uncle the divorce lawyer and saved a few bucks, but that would have been short sighted if Truemors ever becomes worth something.

$399. I paid LogoWorks $399 to design the logo. Of course, this was before HP bought the company. Not sure what it would charge now.

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2 Comments so far

  • Bruno on June 4th, 2007

O que eu gostei mais desse artigo, foi o papel que a techcrunch teve na divulgação do site.

11-3. TechCrunch wrote about Truemors 3 times: the leak, the leak with a screen shot, and the opening. I wish I could tell you I was so sly as to plan this.


Quando se tem amigos com blogues importantes é assim.
Coloquei aqui um video que podem ser um complemento a este artigo do Sr. Gui, no mundo dos negocios como na rede poucas coisas ao acaso dão certas, ou não?

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