International Cleanup Weekend

Google Maps

On October 13th and 14th, Googlers, our friends and family, and a lot of other folks around the world will be heading out to clean up our local parks, beaches, trails and other hot spots. Each of these projects will make a small difference to a specific neighborhood.

Together, we hope to have a global impact, and make a real difference in how lots of people view themselves and their communities.

Want to get involved?

Até ao momento ainda ninguém assinalou um local em Portugal. :-(
Falta de divulgação?

  1. Pensar global, agir local
  2. estatisticas? a pew, têm
  3. 4th International Weblogger’s Day

1 Response to “International Cleanup Weekend”

  1. Gravatar Icon 1 Carlos

    Já não é necessário esperar por esses dias vindos lá da estranja quando vejo caloiros a limparem algo como praxe até rejubilo (parece que estamos muito lá para a frente).

    Abraço, Carlos

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