Blog Council - blogs best practices


The Blog Council is where the people who run large companies' blogs share best practices and new ideas. Most of what we do is in our private community.

The Blog Council is the community for large companies’ blogs. It is a private group for this unique group of bloggers to share best practices and new ideas.

The Blog Council’s mission is to help corporate blogging efforts become more successful.

São membros desta organização empresas como:
The Coca-Cola Company;
Gemstar-TV Guide;
General Motors;
Kaiser Permanente;
Starwood Hotels and Resorts;
Wells Fargo;

via [Armando Alves]

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1 Response to “Blog Council - blogs best practices”

  1. Gravatar Icon 1 Dil Okulu

    hello everybody. my Portuguese is not good but it seems like a very nice web site. thanks

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