

“Social media and the future of PR:
New ideas, new research, new business”

EUPRERA 2008 Spring Symposium
Bruxelas, Março 13-15, 2008

The EuroBlog surveys of 2006 and 2007 highlighted the ways in which interactive social media technologies - weblogs, podcasts, wikis, social networking and other social softwares and services - were beginning to impact on communication. The Brussels Symposium (March 13-15, 2008) brings together the latest academic thought with leading edge practice from Europe, the USA and elsewhere to draw new theoretical insights and encourage and shape practitioner innovation and implementation.

Grupo do no Facebook.
EuroBlog2008 no
do evento Eurprera’s 2008.

via [Philip Young]

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2 Comments so far

Quantos bloggers portugueses estarão presentes? Posso estar enganado mas acho que não temos grande representação neste género de eventos.

Eu gostaria muito de estar presente :-)
Bem visto até temos é preciso é que esteja motivada a participar neste tipo de iniciativas.

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