Tag Archive for 'day'

International Weblogger’s Day 2008


Neste quinto ano o tema é a mudança.

The inweday started as a grass-roots project in the spring of 2004, International Weblogger’s , or InWeDay for short, is an unofficial online celebration held annually on June 14th. It has united in the past over 500 bloggers from over 40 nations, and has become a symbol of unity among bloggers in recognition of the power that bloggers have through the words they write. To mark the fifth anniversary of InWeDay, an official meetup will be scheduled in Philadelphia.

Mais informações no endereço inweday.org.

Where did my Design go?

CSS Naked DayThe first annual which will be happening April 5th, 2006. The idea behind this event is to promote Web Standards. Plain and simple. This includes proper use of (x)html, semantic markup, a good hierarchy structure, and; well, a fun play on words. I mean, who doesn’t want to get ?.

Quem é que está a aderir dos bloggers que conhecço até ao momento? O João e o L3onheart. Foi apartir do primeiro que tomei conhecimento desta iniciativa ao início pensei que algo estava a falhar com a página mas a informação no início ajudou a perceber a iniciativa. Vou participar por isso não se assustem.
Neste momento já aderiram 436 pessoas à ideia do CSS Naked Day.